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Nebraska Chapter News

Nebraska Legislative Session Will Reconvene in July

Speaker of the Legislature Jim Scheer announced today that the Nebraska Legislature will reconvene on July 20th to complete its 2020 Session, with a sine die adjournment expected no later than August 13th. Senators will have 17 legislative days during that time-frame to complete their work for the session after it was indefinitely postponed in March as COVID-19 concerns mounted.

Speaker Scheer’s announcement indicated several steps will be taken to provide a safer environment for legislators upon their return, including:

  • Physical modifications to the legislative chamber based on the recommendations of public health officials; and
  • Additional procedural rules to encourage social distancing between senators and staff when the Legislature is in session.

Speaker Scheer also released a revised calendar for the remainder of the 2020 Session. The new 2020 Legislative calendar can be downloaded HERE.